Current Burning Conditions in NB
Post date: Apr 16, 2011 11:55:13 PM
For further information, call 1-866-458-8080, visit the DNR Website, or visit any Department of Natural Resources regional or district office.
For larger fires, or for burning grass, a written permit must be obtained from Natural Resources, who will need to pre-inspect your site.
This map provides the most current burning conditions for New Brunswick. This information pertains to category 1 fires, which include campfires, and small piles of burning debris. Remember that fires must be attended at all times, and that landowner's permission is required before lighting a fire on private land.
This map provides the most current burning conditions for New Brunswick. This information pertains to category 1 fires, which include campfires, and small piles of burning debris. Remember that fires must be attended at all times, and that landowner's permission is required before lighting a fire on private land.