NB Burning Conditions
Post date: Apr 19, 2016 2:51:14 PM
This map provides the most current burning conditions for New Brunswick. This information pertains to category 1 fires, which include campfires, and small piles of burning debris. Remember that fires must be attended at all times, and that landowner's permission is required before lighting a fire on private land.
Grass fires are a major concern in the early spring and can cause serious damage to agricultural and forested lands. Forest fire officials warn New Brunswickers not to light grass fires in fields because they can quickly spread to nearby forests. Persons who feel they must burn grass are required to submit a written burn plan to the department, have an inspection beforehand and then receive a written permit with departmental guidelines attached.
For further information, call 1-866-458-8080, visit the DNR Website, or visit any Department of Natural Resources regional or district office.